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Learn how to use configure the rerun-animation package.

The rerun-viewer calls the rerun-loader-plugin with a pre-defined interface. As of rerun-sdk v0.18, it is also not possible for the viewer to adjust some its visualization parameters, although this may change.

The rerun-animation package uses a global configuration file - rerun-animation.ini - to adapt the viewer and its loading behavior. Multiple variants are available and new ones can be installed and used.

All this is provided by the rerun-animation-config {action} interface.

rerun-animation-config actions: #

list #

This action prints all the available configurations.

rerun-animation-config list
[DATE TIME] INFO     7 configurations available:
                    INFO             100style
                    INFO             zeggs
                    INFO             trinity_speech_gesture
                    INFO             default
                    INFO             amass
                    INFO             motorica_dance
                    INFO             lafan1

Apart from the default configuration, rerun-animation comes with some pre-defined configurations for popular datasets.

print #

This action prints a specific, or the current (when used with no arguments), configuration.

rerun-animation-config print lafan1
'bvh.options': {
│   │   'show_rotations': 'no',
│   │   'joint_radius': '0.25'
'rerun': {
│   │   'up_axis': 'y',
│   │   'color': 'white',
│   │   'fps': '30'
The current configuration can be printed using rerun-animation-config print.

select #

This action selects one of the installed configurations.

rerun-animation-config select zeggs
INFO     🟢       Switched to the zeggs configuration.
The installed configurations can be printed using rerun-animation-config list.

reset #

This action resets the configuration to the default one.

rerun-animation-config reset
INFO     🟠       Switched back to the default configuration.
The default configuration can be printed using rerun-animation-config print default.

create #

This action creates a configuration file (*.ini) at the path it was called on for the user to customize.

rerun-animation-config create newconfig
INFO     A configuration file was created @ CURRENT/PATH/newconfig.ini. 
The newly created configuration uses the parameters from the default configuration.

install #

This action installs a local configuration file (*.ini).

rerun-animation-config install newconfig
INFO     ⚙       Installing configuration newconfig
INFO     🟢      Completed, the new (newconfig) configuration was installed and also selected as the current configuration.
The installed configuration will be available in the list and can be printed and/or selected for use on demand.

Next #

Once a visualization configuration has been selected or created, you can use the rerun-viewer as an animation viewer.