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Getting Started

Setup and install the rerun-animation package.

Installation #

Install the package from PyPi using pip:

pip install rerun-animation
pip install rerun-animation Installing collected packages: rerun-animation... Successfully installed rerun-animation

The rerun-animation package is now installed & almost ready to use.

Deployment #

After installing the package, the next step is to deploy the rerun-loader-plugin by running:

rerun-animation-deploy Installing the rerun-loader-animation plugin ...

Support for *.bvh files is straightforwardly available through this barebone deployment. [rerun transforms to a bvh-viewer]

However, support for the parametric body animation files (e.g. SMPL/SMPL-H) requires the deployment of their associated data files.

In the case that support for parametric body model files is not needed, the missing file warnings can be safely ignored.

Meshcapade / MPI Body Model Data #

Important! To be able to use body model files (*.npz) with this package, it is necessary to deploy their parameter files.

Download the currently supported body model files and place them under a common folder PATH/TO/BODY/MODELS:

Then, run the deployment with the body_data_root argument pointing to PATH/TO/BODY/MODELS:

rerun-animation-deploy --body_data_root `PATH/TO/BODY/MODELS`
rerun-animation-deploy --body_data_root `PATH/TO/BODY/MODELS` ⚙ Preparing files from `PATH/TO/BODY/MODELS` ... 🟠 Processing `FILENAME1` ... 🟢 Done. Saving to ... Installing the rerun-loader-animation plugin ...

The rerun-loader-plugin now supports custom *.npz files containing parametric body model parameters.

Important! For Microsoft Windows it is necessary to install an executable with PyInstaller, which might take some time. For more details please see rerun-sdk/external_data_loader
Important! The rerun-animation package has not been tested on Linux, please submit your feedback if things don’t work out.

Next #

See how to select a visualization configuration, or just drag-n-drop a file into the rerun-viewer.